Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Children Sing

Praise the Lord!

In the past few months, the children have been able to sing at several different places. We are so excited about the voices that the Lord has given them and look forward to when we can have four part harmony! Right now, McKaylah sings alto, Luke is our strong lead (also trying to figure out the harmony parts in his own way!), and Emmaline, well, she just sings whenever she decided she wants to. She seems to be in her happy little pink world when were are practicing at home. Although she knows all the words, sometimes I don't know that until she is singing in the bathtub or when no one is around!

The children get to sing at our church about 2 or 3 times a month - which is GREAT! They are comfortable there, but they definitely get nervous any other place. In September of 2006, they got to sing at the Pickens County Campmeeting. I hope it did not scare them too bad! My first memory of singing in front of a big crowd was at the Greenville Baptist Campmeeting and I vividly remember shaking, playing with my shoe (behind me), and swinging from side to side - that had to be a sight! Of course I was up there with Becky and Leah (my sisters) and we sang "A Child of the King." The memory still gives me the jitters! Now, I appreciate Daddy and Mama letting us sing; it made a difference in me!
Also in September, Itron (the plant where Brian works) was having a fun day for their employees. They hosted carnival rides, games, cotton candy, and a talent show - the works! It was like a fair! We had a fun-filled day, and the children were able to sing in the talent show. It was a blessing to sing gospel songs like "I Love the Lord" and "I am a Soldier" to a very diverse audience. I hope that we were a testimony to someone of Jesus Christ by sharing this music with them! (The picture at the top was taken at Itron.)

Then on October 10th, we had the opportunity to fill an open space at Clemson United Methodist with a Senior Group. McKaylah takes piano lessons from their Music Director, Susan Cumbie, so we have had the opportunity to get to know some staff members. One of the ladies who works in the office coordinates events for their Senior's, and she invited us to come and sing for them. This was a little different for us, because we had twenty minutes when usually we are up and down in five! But, after they quoted scripture, listed the days of creation, answered catechism questions, and filled in the spaces with songs, we just about covered it. McKaylah and Luke also shared their testimony of salvation. We enjoyed this experience of sharing scripture and songs with them! (The photo to the left was taken at CUM.)

We have also had the privilege to sing at several Preacher's Fellowships and a Revival Meeting at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church this month (I talked Brian into joining us there). Thank the Lord for the opportunities to train our children for Him! McKaylah is our nervous one. Luke has always been fearless in front of an audience, but McKaylah likes to get up, get through the song and sit down as quickly as possible. Brian and I try to express to our them that we want them to sing for the LORD; He should be the focus.

We are just overwhelmingly amazed, thankful, blessed and excited about what the Lord has for us to do. At home they get specialized music training from Brian (on his guitar and harmonica) - he "Bop! Bops!" with them on a regular basis to keep it fun! We know that training our children for the Lord's service is part of His plan for us!