Wednesday, August 09, 2006

McKaylah Lauryn Terry

McKaylah was the first arrow in our (now full) quiver. She asked the Lord to be her personal Savior on February 27th, 2006 in our home. After we noticed that McKaylah was having some serious fears about death and Hell, we sat down with her to discuss these issues, and she decided to ask the Lord to relieve her fear and be her Savior. What a blessing!!
She is six years old and will begin the first grade next week. We really enjoyed our homeschool experience last year and plan to continue for first grade. McKaylah is a great reader (anything on K5 or 1st grade) and really enjoys math. Kindergarten seemed to be a breeze for her, so maybe things will be a little more challenging this year!
McKaylah's most recent favorite pastime is turning cartwheels (she still stands on her head sometimes, but she's trying to mix it up a little). Since she has mastered completing multiple somersaults in quick succession, I think she has decided to replace walking with a "head-over heels" approach! She is a very energetic young lady who loves a challenge.
McKaylah also takes piano lessons. Her teacher took a break for the summer, but we plan to continue them this school year. The Lord has definitely blessed McKaylah with musical ability. When the children sing together, she can sing the harmony part to any song - I love it!
When McKaylah is not tumbling or singing, she has recently begun spending time using the computer. We have discovered several great websites with fun and educational games to help her learn to use the keyboard and maneuver through different programs. She is a quick learner and enjoys having something quiet to do while the other children are resting.
We thank the Lord for giving us McKaylah! We desire the wisdom of the Lord to properly train her to serve the Him.


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary! Howdy! This is awesome!! You did a great job on this web page, I am mucho impressed!!! Love ya!


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