Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Terry Family Formal Photograph

The Terry Family
April 2006
Here's the whole clan! This is a rare moment when everyone's hair is brushed, shoes are on (except Seth), nails are clipped, and we look relatively descent! Yes, this did not last but a few minutes, so I'm glad that we were able to capture a moment of sanity. This family photo was taken a few weeks before Easter this year (2006). The girls were so excited to finally wear their dresses after watching them hang in the closet for a couple of weeks. We are a very blessed family - four healthy and very active children. We also broke up into smaller groups after this picture, so I'll post those later! It was really hard to get all four of the children to smile at the same time, so a we accepted the half-way unsure smiles that you see here on McKaylah and Seth. Emmaline kept over doing her smile (imagine that), so we had to tell her to take it down a notch. Luke just stood there looking handsome until it was all over - what a great job!


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